Visual.Assist.X.10.0.1223.rar ƿƼ ũ ÷Ƚϴ.
VA X ĭ Trial ǻ Ǿ...
ɷθ ˾ҽϴ
6 â ߴ ᱹ ȰƴϾ. ǥø ׷. 30 free trial.Ф (Ȱ ƹ ʴٰ ܵΰ ߳ϴ.)
մϴ. ϰźе鿡 Դϴ
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׷.. ϱ 糪Ϳ VA X ũ ...
trialⰣ ˾Ƴ½ϴ ^^;;

÷ϰڽϴٸ.. 帮.. ϴ
켱 VA XArmadillo ٰմϴ
׷..Ʈ Armadillo , ȯ溯EMP%  .. Ʈ ¥ COM .. trialⰣ Ǽ ް ϴ Ŀ ٽ
׷ ڽϴ.


1. ۹> .. explorer %TEMP% ؼ
ȯ溯MP ˾Ƴϴ
(  ϴ.)

2. Ʈ ⸦ ð޴->ãã "" nLxxQ"˻ϴ(""մϴ)
HKCR\CLSID\{5373DE59-FD7C-AA67-4D4B-7DDACF915A49} (CLSID ǻٸ̴ϴ VA X ٲ 𸣰ڳ׿)

3. Ʈ ⸦ ð HKLM\Software\Licenses ãƼ

4. Ȥ𸣴ø ϴ (ص ɰϴٸ..)

Ʒ ϴٸ.. ׷Ա Ա ϴ ɰȮ Ȯ
Ŀ â ߸ ݺ øɰ̴ϴ
ǴVA X  ϴ ȸ簡 Armadillo ϱ¿

======================= =================================
VA X trial period can be reset in three fairly easy steps:

1. Delete Armadillo licences registry entry
2. Delete VA's fake temporary file in system %TEMP% folder
3. Delete VA's fake COM component entry in the registry

> Step 1

VA uses Armadillo protection. This step is as simple as it
gets: use regedit and delete Armadillo licenses key HKLM\Software\Licenses
and all its subkeys.

> Step 2

In order to find out which temp file is actually VA's file, delete all files from
system %TEMP% folder.
Launch VSNET 2003 and wait until it's loaded or until VA trial dialog pops up.
Go to system %TEMP% folder; there should be just one .tmp file created by
VA/Armadillo. Write down its name for the next trial period reset and delete it.
Exit VA and VSNET 2003.

> Step 3

You'll need Regmon (www.sysinternals.com).
Launch Regmon and specify that you wish to monitor only VSNET 2003 process (devenv.exe).
Launch VSNET 2003 and watch Regmon logging registry access.
When VSNET is loaded (or when VA trial dialog pops up), stop Regmon's registry
Exit VA/VSNET 2003 before proceeding.
In the Regmon's list search for the very first occurence of the
text ""HKCU\Software\Whole Tomato". You'll see something like

devenv.exe:3196 OpenKey HKCU\Software\Whole Tomato SUCCESS Key: 0xE1844558

From that line manually scroll down searching for the very first line where the key
HKCU\CLSID\{} or key HKCR\CLSID\{} is accessed. This line will probably
be a several hundred lines away from the line where you started searching, and it will
look be something like this:

devenv.exe:3196 OpenKey HKCU\CLSID\{BC29421E-12B6-4630-A281-E18D215BC63E}

In order to verify that it is indeed the guid that belongs to VA protection scheme, launch
regedit and go to that key. If that key has a value with the strange name such
as "nLxxQ", it's the one you are looking for. Don't let the meaningful name of the component
confuse you; it is a part of the protection.

Delete the guid key and all its subkeys. Congratulations, you have just reset VA trial period.

> Notes

To reset trial period next time it's enough do go directly to the keys mentioned above
and to delete them. Don't forget to delete .tmp file too.

Note, however, that the guid is different for each machine and it might (and will) change
from one VA version to another. The same goes for temporary file, even though currently
it has the same name on all machines. Don't count on that.

The above procedure will work with future VA versions, as long as they don't change
their protection scheme.


VA X trial period can be reset in three fairly easy steps:

1. Delete Armadillo licences registry entry
2. Delete VA's fake temporary file in system %TEMP% folder
3. Delete VA's fake COM component entry in the registry

> Step 1

VA uses Armadillo protection. This step is as simple as it
gets: use regedit and delete Armadillo licenses key HKLM\Software\Licenses
and all its subkeys.

> Step 2

In order to find out which temp file is actually VA's file, delete all files from
system %TEMP% folder.
Launch VSNET 2003 and wait until it's loaded or until VA trial dialog pops up.
Go to system %TEMP% folder; there should be just one .tmp file created by
VA/Armadillo. Write down its name for the next trial period reset and delete it.
Exit VA and VSNET 2003.

> Step 3

You'll need Regmon (www.sysinternals.com).
Launch Regmon and specify that you wish to monitor only VSNET 2003 process (devenv.exe).
Launch VSNET 2003 and watch Regmon logging registry access.
When VSNET is loaded (or when VA trial dialog pops up), stop Regmon's registry
Exit VA/VSNET 2003 before proceeding.
In the Regmon's list search for the very first occurence of the
text ""HKCU\Software\Whole Tomato". You'll see something like

devenv.exe:3196 OpenKey HKCU\Software\Whole Tomato SUCCESS Key: 0xE1844558

From that line manually scroll down searching for the very first line where the key
HKCU\CLSID\{} or key HKCR\CLSID\{} is accessed. This line will probably
be a several hundred lines away from the line where you started searching, and it will
look be something like this:

devenv.exe:3196 OpenKey HKCU\CLSID\{BC29421E-12B6-4630-A281-E18D215BC63E}

In order to verify that it is indeed the guid that belongs to VA protection scheme, launch
regedit and go to that key. If that key has a value with the strange name such
as "nLxxQ", it's the one you are looking for. Don't let the meaningful name of the component
confuse you; it is a part of the protection.

Delete the guid key and all its subkeys. Congratulations, you have just reset VA trial period.

> Notes

To reset trial period next time it's enough do go directly to the keys mentioned above
and to delete them. Don't forget to delete .tmp file too.

Note, however, that the guid is different for each machine and it might (and will) change
from one VA version to another. The same goes for temporary file, even though currently
it has the same name on all machines. Don't count on that.

The above procedure will work with future VA versions, as long as they don't change
their protection scheme.


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