I found a simple, tricky way to make cs3 work with your old trial serial.
I tried that cleanup script and it didnt work for me, but this did.
first off, delete C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe PCD\cache\cache.db
Then run any of the cs3 programs. Click Accept to continue, then enter your serial that used to work. BEFORE clicking next, you'll notice that you have a NEW cache.db file in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Adobe PCD\cache
Right click the file, go to properties and make it READ ONLY, and then click next on CS3 after entering your key.
Next, after you get to the register software screen.
Click "Register Later"
WHOA! Not so fast, it's working but you're not done yet!
The register screen should have popped up again. This time, remove the check for "Read Only" from that new cache.db file and select "Do Not Register" from the the top of the register software menu.
Now, as soon as you click continue, make the cache.db file read only again, and LEAVE IT THAT WAY!
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