嗈嗈嗈 嗈詒嗈葔詘 嗈嗈嗈詒嗈詗詒蛢羚 嗈嗈 嗖詗詒 睒蛢棰詘嗈 睚睒詗棰詗詄 葔葔 嗈嗈 嗈嗈 詗詗 詗詘 瑊詗棰詘詒葔葔葾 嗈嗈嗈 嗈詒葔 葔詘 睒詗棰詄 嗈嗈 眷詗 嗈嗈 葔葔 詗葔嗈 葔詘 嗖葔 嗈詗葾詗 嗈嗖詗詗睒蛢棰羞詄 睧唯棰詗詄 嗈詗詒蛢羚 嗖詗 睒眷棰詘嗈嗈 嗖詗睒蛢葔詗詗詗詗 詘詗 詗眷 詗 睒蛢棰睚睒詗 葔葔 嗈嗈 葔詘 睚瑊詗嗖蛢習 詘葔 瑊詗暊闡睒詗棰詗翌睚 葔詗蛢 葔葔 羞詗 闡闡嗈詗詗葾眷葀羞嗖詒嗈詒 葔葾 葔詗詘 嗖詗葔 葔葔嗖 啕詗詄睒詗嗈嗙詄 嗈嗈葾眷 睒蛢棰葾嗈 葔 嗈詒 葔詘葔詒嗈詒詄睒蛢葔葔嗖葾蛢詘 睒蛢棰詄 葔葔 葔葔葔 asC/Strick9 葔詘嗈詒 睒 葔葔 詄瑊詗 睒蛢棰詗嗖蛢詘 假詗 葔葔葔葾 葔葔 oO 詗蛢 葔嗈詄 嗈嗈 葔葔葔葾 睒詗棰葔葾 葀羞睒蛢棰 葔葔 葾葔詗詗蛢 葔葔葔葔 葔詘葔嗖 Deviance 葔葔葔蠟-闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡- Unreal Tournament 2004 (c) Atari 蠟-闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡- CD Count.......: 06 CDs Date...........: 03/2004 Protection.....: Securom 蠟-闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡- Support the software companies. If you play this game BUY it! *** Release Information *** Game Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Unreal Tournament 2004 is the third and latest installment of the gladiator blood sport of the future. Featuring over twice the amount of content of Unreal Tournament 2003, the Tournament now includes land, air and space based vehicles as well as diverse and exciting new weaponry, game modes and game-play environments. Game Features: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Land and air and space based vehicles from lightweight attack craft to behemoth tanks * New weapons, including Mines, Rocket-propelled grenades, stationary gun turrets and more * New Arenas and battlefields - planet-bound mayhem and the cold vacuum of space * Assault mode returns. You asked for it! Here it is! * The mighty Skaarj return as a playable race and prepare for the return of the ultimate opponent - Xan Kriegor * Demo recording - record something special and show others who's got the skills * Onslaught mode - a brand new mode of play that takes warfare to the next level * New UI - clean, mean and lean. This new customizable User Interface gives you a clear picture on the body count. * Full support of software rendering for those with lower-end video cards or unreliable drivers * Live chat over LAN and Internet with 3D audio (on supported cards), using a microphoneand headset (not included with game) * A wealth of new textures, static meshes and music. A field day for mod makers! * UnrealTV broadcast system - allows hundreds of people to log on and watch famous combatants or rival clans duke it out * Numerous tweaks and refinements including a completely redesigned user interface (UI) (including the ability for mod makers to design their own UI), unique crosshairs for each weapon, the ability to wield dual assault rifles, improved bot AI and optimized network bandwidth usage and much, much more Install Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) Unrar with WinRAR. 2) Burn the .cue and .bin with Nero Burning Rom software. 3) Install the game. 4) When asked for a CD-key, use one from the list of keys below. DEV2K-DEV46-DEV78-TJ74H K6T1V-M28ZP-DEV69-8JGY3 2467K-43287-69437-TJ74H 3333H-44444-55555-BKVA9 62KYT-D3EAX-A2AVE-D76GR NE87K-BEWWT-CE263-TJ74H DAMNN-EYCHE-CKSUX-888XL 6969B-THNKS-34267-DZ268 5) Overwrite the game .exe with the crack from the \DEViANCE dir on CD1. 6) And then play :) 蠟-闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡- DEViANCE Application Information 闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡 You think you can contribute to the scene too? You have one or more talents in: - suppliers who work for any software shops/stores like: Electronic Boutique, Babbages, GAME, HMV, Dixons, Virgin or any software place at all! - suppliers for new unreleased store/shop games that have access to a fast upload 300k+ internet connection. - network or security administrators on fast 10mb plus internet links, who have full control and responsibility over their fast links. - supplying new unreleased games (maybe you work at a game/util magazine, courier delivery firm, newspaper, game press/marketing company, distributor, publisher, duplicator, tv/radio show, shop, warehouse, design firm, language translation company, packing company store etc). No need for a fast internet connection for this =] - you are a coder who can code your own tools to automatically remove commercial iso protections like the latest versions of any of the following: SafeDisc or Securom or Tages or VOB or Laserlok or StarForce. - are you able to write your own source code to unpack & repack custom game related file formats. If you can meet one or more of our above requests and want to be a part of the fun today, e-mail us. Use the contact information given below. Always remember: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We do this just for FUN. We are against any profit or commercialisation of piracy. We do not spread any release, others do that. In fact, we BUY all our own games with our own hard earned and worked for efforts. Which is from our own real life non-scene jobs. As we love game originals. Nothing beats a quality original. "If you like this game, BUY it. We did!" 蠟-闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡- How to Contact DEViANCE 闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡 E-Mail: apply@apcsupply.org DEViANCE: SHARPER & FASTER THAN LiGHT! 蠟[NFO UPDATED 08/JUN/2003]闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡闡 Support the software companies. If you play this game BUY it! _________________ _,__ ___( )_________________ ___( )__ _( rooting for _) __(_ _) (_ FLT, KAL, ECH, TCS, MNC, VNM, FLIX )_ (_ __.___ _) (__ TRFC, OBUS, JGT, SHK, TWC, ADX oke? _)_ (__ (\! `, __) (______________________________________) /__ `-,\_,/.-' )/(__//( /(__,__)\\. / () ( ) _________________________________________ ____) /-._,--)/___ _(03-15-2004)_

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