Autodesk VIZ 2005-PANTHEON 牢胶喷 规过

:+::+::+::+::+::+::+::+::+::+:绒~~靛诞 舅酒陈嚼聪促.
刚历 CD1狼 PANTHEON弃歹救俊 乐绰 牢胶喷规过阑 焊烈.

- choose Network Installation
- enter your localhost as server name
- then install the network license manager and configure it
- produce a license file with the License Generator

困贸烦 登绢乐绰单 滴锅掳临狼 localhost俊绰 夯牢狼 哪腔磐捞抚阑 利嚼聪促.
巩力绰 弊促澜临牢单 VIZ甫 牢胶喷茄饶 network license manager甫 牢胶喷钦聪促. 弊府绊 configure窍扼绊 唱客乐绰单 configure窍绰 磊技茄 规过篮 傈囚 救唱客乐烈. network license manager狼 券版汲沥篮 ADT2005 农发规过俊 磊技洒 唱客乐嚼聪促. 弊吧 曼炼秦辑 汲疙靛府摆嚼聪促.

1. PANTHEON弃歹俊 乐绰 lictool.exe甫 角青钦聪促. 弊府绊 generate阑 穿福搁 弃歹甫 急琶窍扼绊 唱坷烈. 弊烦 network license manager啊 汲摹等 弃歹牢 Autodesk Network License Manager\License甫 急琶钦聪促. 弊烦 弊镑俊 license.txt客 license.txtlmcrypt.exe拳老捞 父甸绢笼聪促.

2. 弊促澜 牢胶喷茄 network license manager甫 角青钦聪促.
-"Service/License Files" 徘俊辑 "Configuration using Services"甫 急琶钦聪促.
-"Config Services" 徘俊辑 Service Name 鄂俊 Autodesk 扼绊 利嚼聪促.
- Path to the lmgrd.exe file 何盒俊 版肺甫 ..\Autodesk Network License Manager\lmgrd.exe甫 急琶钦聪促.
- Path to the license files 何盒俊 版肺甫 ..Autodesk Network License Manager\License\License.txt甫 急琶钦聪促.
- Path to the debug log file 何盒俊 版肺甫 ..\Autodesk Network License Manager\License\debug.txt甫 急琶钦聪促.

3. Start Server at Power Up 苞 Use Services 俊 眉农钦聪促.

4. 坷弗率 拉何盒俊 Save service甫 努腐窍咯 历厘钦聪促.

5. "Start/Stop/Reread" 徘俊辑 Autodesk 甫 急琶窍绊 Start Server甫 努腐钦聪促.

6. 犁何泼窍绊 厚令甫 角青窍搁 邓聪促.

磊~~咯扁鳖瘤 灯绰单夸. 历鞍篮 版快绰 弊傈俊 ADT2005甫 彬酒辑 捞固 network license manager啊 彬妨乐绊 license拳老捞 ADT2005铂肺 汲沥捞 登绢乐绰 惑怕看嚼聪促. 溜 困 2锅狼 Path to the license files 狼 版肺甫 厚令狼 license拳老肺 急琶窍搁 厚令绰 角青登瘤父 ADT2005绰 角青捞 救登瘤夸. 历客 鞍篮 版快俊 乐栏脚盒篮 厚令狼 license拳老(溜 license.txt)阑 烙狼狼 弃歹俊 父电饶 畴飘菩靛肺 凯绢辑 VENDOR~何盒何磐 墨乔茄饶 ADT2005狼 license拳老(溜 licpath.lic)甫 畴飘菩靛肺 凯绢辑 关何盒俊 嘿捞绊 历厘窍搁 ADT2005客 VIZ2005 笛促 荤侩且 荐 乐嚼聪促.

捞惑 倾立窍霸唱付 汲疙靛啡嚼聪促. 肋救登矫芭唱 葛福矫绰 何盒篮 翠臂崔酒林技夸.^^

* 馆靛矫 困客鞍捞 窍脚饶 犁何泼窍寂具 邓聪促.

* 捞繁..规陛傈俊 Pantheon俊辑 nfo甫 fix秦辑 郴初疽嚼聪促. 力啊 困俊 汲疙靛赴何盒阑 眠啊秦辑 郴初疽匙夸...弊何盒篮 酒贰客 鞍嚼聪促. 厚背秦辑 焊矫搁 捞秦啊 歹 肋登摆匙夸.^^*

1) unRAR, burn all CD's
2) to install the license for autodesk viz 2005 - Pantheon correctly,
follow these steps.

-install, Use any serial you want
-install Autodesk Network License Manager
-generate a license.txt and save into
\Autodesk Network License Manager\License\
-then drag license.txt onto license.txtlmcrypt generated in the
same dir.
-Start ..\Autodesk Network License Manager\lmtools.exe
-into "Service/License File" select - Configuration using Services
-into "Config Services" - set Service Name "Viz 2005"
- set Path to the lmgrd.exe file
"..\Autodesk Network License Manager\lmgrd.exe"
- set Path to the license file
"..\Autodesk Network License Manager\License\License.txt"
- set Path to the debug log file
"..\Autodesk Network License Manager\License\debug.txt
- select "Start Server at Power Up" and "Use Services"
- Save service
-into "Start/Stop/Reread" select "Viz 2005" and restart the server
-You can close lmtools.exe now

3) enjoy another fine PANTHEON-release!

IP : 138.89.19.xxx

⑦Mins (2004-04-27) : '')- 焊扁亮篮 葛嚼捞匙夸 nycd丛^^* 眠玫 技快绊 癌聪促~* (220.120.32.xxx)
辫剧侥 (2004-04-27) : 公鲤霸 亮篮 沥焊涝聪促. 绊缚嚼聪促. 历开矫档 眠玫靛妨夸 (220.75.212.xxx)
辑捍楷 (2004-04-27) : license.txt客 license.txtlmcrypt 绰 父甸绢 瘤绰单 debug.txt 绰 绝绰单...捞扒 绢痘霸 积己窍唱夸...何殴靛妨夸... (61.111.73.xxx)
nycd (2004-04-27) : debug.txt绰 秦寸版肺狼 弃歹甫 楷促澜 File Name鄂俊 流立 debug.txt 扼绊 静绊 open 穿福矫搁 邓聪促.^^ (138.89.19.xxx)
nycd (2004-04-27) : 府敲俊档 眠玫捞 登绰焙夸. 眠玫秦林脚盒甸 皑荤钦聪促.(_ _) 弊府绊 VIZ棵妨林脚 冠混唱丛 促矫茄锅 皑荤钦聪促. (138.89.19.xxx)
辑捍楷 (2004-04-27) : 促青捞 License Manager 己傍茄巴 鞍篮单 府何泼秦辑 角青窍聪鳖...扼捞季胶 俊矾啊 跺聪促...了价秦夸...翠函粱 何殴靛妨夸...^^ (61.111.73.xxx)
辑捍楷 (2004-04-27) : the doftware license in not available. [error 1]...绒...何殴靛妨夸...构啊 巩哩瘤... (61.111.73.xxx)
辑捍楷 (2004-04-27) : 酒曼 弊府绊 碍眠 棵赋聪促...^^ (61.111.73.xxx)
nycd (2004-04-27) : 辑捍楷丛/澜..刚历 贸澜何磐 材材洒 促矫茄锅 混旗焊矫搁辑 秦焊矫备夸. 弊贰滴 救登搁 趣矫 葛福聪鳖 license configuration switcher啊 network栏肺 登绢乐唱 犬牢秦焊技夸. (138.89.19.xxx)
nycd (2004-04-27) : Autodesk VIZ 2005 橇肺弊伐弊缝俊 Autodesk VIZ 2005 License Configuration Switcher 扼绊 乐嚼聪促. (138.89.19.xxx)
拱儒福淀捞 (2004-04-27) : 皑荤钦聪促 寸厘秦毫具 摆嚼聪促...眠玫钦聪促 (203.247.169.xxx)
辑捍楷 (2004-04-27) : nycd丛膊辑 磊技洒 舅难林继绰单...臼登匙夸...角菩狼 楷加...!!! 捞芭 彬促焊聪鳖 烤朝 maya彬带 积阿捞 唱匙夸...公瘤窍霸 绊积沁绰单...鞠瓢 历绰 瘤陛 臼邓聪促...磊技洒 舅难林继绰单...鞠瓢 皑荤钦聪促 (61.111.73.xxx)
nycd (2004-04-27) : 趣矫 localhost俊 夯牢狼 哪腔磐捞抚阑 沥犬洒 利栏继绰瘤...My Computer俊辑 properties 甸绢啊寂辑 Computer name徘俊 Full computer name俊 乐绰芭 利栏矫搁邓聪促. (138.89.19.xxx)
nycd (2004-04-27) : 弊贰滴 救登搁..葛福摆匙夸. pantheon俊辑 汲疙茄芭尔 促弗芭绰 service name观俊 绝绰单 弊扒 鞠芭唱 利绢滴 登绰单...绢瞒乔 5锅俊辑 利篮芭 急琶窍搁 登聪鳖... (138.89.19.xxx)
nycd (2004-04-27) : 盒疙洒 苞沥吝俊 窍唱 哗冈栏继阑荐档 乐栏聪鳖..pantheon俊辑 汲疙茄巴档 焊矫绊..弊贰滴 救登矫搁 率瘤林技夸. 力啊 瘤陛 固惫捞扼 峦乐栏搁 磊具登聪瘪 尘酒魔俊扼档 犬牢且膊夸.^^ (138.89.19.xxx)
巩悼侥 (2004-04-27) : enter your localhost as server name 绰 绢叼俊 结具 登绰瘤 (211.205.48.xxx)
PhoTon (2004-04-27) : 历开矫 摱锅阑 秦好瘤父, 4.2滚怜锭何磐 度鞍篮 刘惑栏肺 汲摹啊 救登歹焙夸.抗傈浚 弊成 矫府倔 涝仿秦辑 汲摹窍绊 弊法绰单, 捞哩 救登绰瘤... (211.49.25.xxx)

:+::+::+::+::+::+::+::+::+::+:NYCD丛捞 静脚 郴侩俊 Pantheon狼 汲疙 茄何盒捞 狐廉 乐绢辑
救登矫绰 盒甸捞 乐绰芭 鞍匙夸.

Pantheon狼 眠啊等 nfo 颇老 郴侩 吝
临肺 弓绢初篮 何盒捞 狐脸嚼聪促.

1) unRAR, burn all CD's
2) to install the license for autodesk viz 2005 - Pantheon correctly,
follow these steps.

-install, Use any serial you want
-install Autodesk Network License Manager
-generate a license.txt and save into
\Autodesk Network License Manager\License\

-then drag license.txt onto license.txtlmcrypt generated in the
same dir.

-Start ..\Autodesk Network License Manager\lmtools.exe
-into "Service/License File" select - Configuration using Services
-into "Config Services" - set Service Name "Viz 2005"
- set Path to the lmgrd.exe file
"..\Autodesk Network License Manager\lmgrd.exe"
- set Path to the license file
"..\Autodesk Network License Manager\License\License.txt"
- set Path to the debug log file
"..\Autodesk Network License Manager\License\debug.txt
- select "Start Server at Power Up" and "Use Services"
- Save service
-into "Start/Stop/Reread" select "Viz 2005" and restart the server
-You can close lmtools.exe now

3) enjoy another fine PANTHEON-release!

扼捞季胶 颇老捞 父甸绢柳 \Autodesk Network License Manager\License\
弃歹肺 啊辑 license.txt 颇老阑 付快胶肺 靛贰弊窍咯
license.txtlmcrypt.exe 颇老肺 啊廉啊辑 角青矫挪 促澜
唱赣瘤 苞沥阑 角青窍搁 巩力绝捞 角青邓聪促.
犁何泼 镭瘤 付矫绊夸.

档框甸捞 登继唱 葛福摆匙夸.

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