>Need the install code of the same user as the access code...
>Because access codes of "Access Code VSP.txt" doesn't work....
>I think the install code should be the same as the one of the user who have obtain the access code.
>To see this code and change it, use "regedit" at command line.
>adress: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Torquemada games/Video Strip Poker/user code".
>Sorry for my english...
This is no solution at all. First of all no one has the install/user code of that user and more importantly: even if you had it, you couldn't just change it in the registry. Whatever you type in for the user code in the reg is NOT in the game. It doesn't change in the game, when you change the registry.
The only thing you can change is your serial number. If you have an existing "user number"-string in the registry, you can change it, if not: just make a new string entitled "user number" and type in "056349". That's the serial of the user who published the useless access code. It should then show in-game in the top left hand corner. Unfortunately this doesn't help unlocking the chicks, either.
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