Urine Therapy Suggestions

Internal Use: FRESH urine only! (This includes use in the eyes, ears, nose)

External Use: Older (at least 3 days old) urine is better, but you can use fresh.
Store this only in glass or ceramic, NO plastics, metals.
In the beginning, as you drink your urine, it might have an odor and a sharp taste.
This disappears with time --- about 2 weeks.

The best, i.e., most potent urine is the middle third of your first daily urination.

Remember - Urine comes from the kidneys (it is filtered blood) and is suggested for kidney
related and skin problems. The kidneys rule the eyes, ears, hair, skin, teeth and nails.
Urine contains antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, cancer inhibiting, antituberculostatic and
other healing properties; enzymes, hormones, minerals and other vital substances.
Drinking: Drink 1/2 cup first thing in the morning. If you have trouble (psychologically)
doing this at first, try just a few sips, and/or add water or juice until you work up to
consuming half a cup daily. If you still would like to be able to do it but can't get yourself
to try it, try applying it externally (fresh) at first and take it from there. The optimum
consumption is to get up to drinking half a cup twice daily (morning and afternoon).

Suggested Daily Procedure:
Morning: Capturing the "middle third" first thing in the morning, (1) drink some, also
rinsing out the mouth, (2) pour some into a warmed eye cup or put an eye dropper
in it and rinse the eyes, (3) pour some into the palm of the hand to cleanse the
nostrils, (4) rub some on the face, (5) pour the remainder into the "pee pot" .
Afternoon: Drink a half glass of fresh "middle third".
Night: Wash and cleanse the face, use some stored urine on the face as a nighttime toner,
take some fresh "middle third" to use as a mouth wash or gargle. Helps prevent
plaque. (We did not tell the hygienist why our teeth were so much better.)

Fresh Urine:
Very powerful to use as a cleanse for a day.
As an eyewash: With an eye dropper, or in an eye cup. Makes eyes brighter, helps
improve vision. Helps with eye infections, too.
Nose: Put some in your hand, close one nostril, gently sniff in a small portion into the open
nostril. Repeat on other side. Blow it all out. Helps clear up colds, stuffiness.
Teeth: As a rinse.
Mouthwash: As a gargle. Good for sore throats and colds.

External Use: (Older, i.e., 3+ days old, is best)
Rub it on places for smoother skin as often as you like.
Good to use on the chest for chest colds, and/or in a "pack".
Feet: Superb to smooth and lubricate dry, cracked skin.
Wash and dry the feet, rub urine into them, dip foot socks into some old urine, put
them on, tie on plastic bags, secure and go to sleep this way. The next morning,
after showering, wash and dry feet, apply body or foot and put on fresh socks.
Best to do this when you are alone in the house as this can easily be considered by
others as one of the wackiest things others may think you do.
If the people you live with accept / understand / appreciate this, consider yourself
extremely fortunate and give them an extra hug for being so wonderful and give
yourself an extra hug for choosing so well.
Hair: (1) If you are going to wash your hair the next morning, then the night before:
Rub the urine into your hair and scalp. Leave on overnight. Wash out the next day.
Hair is softer, fuller, healthier. If the smell gets to you either use fresh urine or add
a little essential oil. Rosemary is also good for the hair, smells minty.
(2) As a "setting" lotion: In a spray bottle (try to find a glass one):
Put some fresh (only because it's less smelly) into the bottle with a couple drops
good smelling essential oil and spray on. Adds curl and fullness to hair.
Spritz on in between shampoos as a voluminizer.

Urine therapy helps bring out our spirituality.
Economical, convenient, portable, guaranteed freshness; comes in attractive, uniquely
personalized packaging. Environmentally friendly, the epitome in recycling.

Good for bug bites (used by knowledgeable divers when they step on sea urchins, etc.).
Great to use before going out in the sun or even for sunburn.
Good for cold hands in the cold weather - warms and softens them (used in World War II
by the soldiers in foxholes to prevent frostbite).
How can you tell if there is too much sugar in your urine?. Pee on a rock and see if the
bugs come. If they do, you know there is too much sugar.
Some doctors can diagnose patients by analyzing the look and smell of urine.

WARNING! Consume only your own. Do not consume if using narcotics.
If you have questions, consult an Ayurvedic physician.

[ Middle Third: Allow what you consider to be the first third of the urine stream to pass into the toilet; allow what you consider to be the next (i.e., middle) third to go into your container; allow what you consider to be your last third to pass into the toilet again. This is the most hygienic part of your urine.
"Pee Pot": The container you use for storage (glass or ceramic only).]

copyright 1994,1999,2001,2001 by Marilyn Gang

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