If someone knows how to install "DIS_Install"
(It's the operating system OPENSERVER from SCO)
and "DIS Program",please leave some instructions
in this file.

At least a 1,2GB Harddisk is needed ,
it will be formatted during install!!!

download oss478a.Z(ide/atapi driver) from
ftp.sco.com , unpack with gunzip for windows.
and create disk with Rawwritewin.

download BMW_Dis19_Bootdisks.rar create
Root and Boot floppy with Rawwritewin.

1.you have to specify how your cd-rom
is connected to your pc.

boot from floppy 'Boot', type at boot:
defbootstr Srom=wd(x,0,y,0) ;x 0=primary 1=secondary / y 0=master 1=slave
when booting is done type:
mkdir /src /dst
mount -r /dev/fd0135ds18 /mnt
cd /dev
cpio -idmuv -I/mnt/u-dev
cd /
umount /mnt

2.Kernel has no ide support so you need to add it.

insert oss478a disk and reboot, type at boot:
defbootstr btld=fd(60) hd=wd link=wd
follow instructions ...
enter maintenance mode with enter key (Root password:SUONLY)
mount -r /dev/fd0135ds18 /mnt
btldinstall /mnt
answer: wd , yes , yes
umount /mnt

2b.add your cd-rom to configuration &
remove the DIS default SCSI cd-rom's.

mkdev cdrom
choose remove cd-rom
answer: eiad, 0, 0, 3, 0 , yes , no
choose remove cd-rom
answer: eiad , 0 , 0 , 4 , 0 , yes , no
choose add cd-rom
answer: yes, wd , (x) , 0 , (y), 0 , yes , yes , no ;(x) 0=pri. 1=sec. / (y) 0=master 1=slave
q quit ->y,y,y

2c.change startupconfig so you can
enter maintenace mode easier.

scoadmin ;->system->system startup manager. uncheck 'immediately go to multi-...'

3.add vga card (ati mach64 in this example)
you need a resulution of 1024x768
with 256colors or DiS wont start!

enter maintenance mode
cd /usr/lib/grafinfo
ls -C ;you see folders like ati , hercules , ibm ...
cd ati ;pick your card vendor (ati in this case)
ls ;you see a list of supported ati-chips ...
vi m64.xgi ;scroll down ,look for a line ati.mach64.gx.1024x768-256-75
;write it down and exit with Q quit
cd ..
vi grafdev ;edit vga config change first line to
;use key 'x' to delete and key 'a' to insert text
;exit&save with Q write! quit
mv /usr/prisma /usr/p-risma ;rename DIS driver or startx fails
mv /comtrol /c-omtrol ;rename another DIS driver
startx ;can exit with alt-print
;if startx runs without errors,change vga config for
vi grafdev ;dev/tty0-12: like you did /dev/console: before

4.change mouse (ps/2 mouse)

mkdev mouse
choose remove mouse
choose add mouse
choose ps/2 keyboard mouse
choose low resulution keyboard mouse
choose multiscreen
when asked to assign to other terminals answer no
relink kernel y->y->y

5.prepare to start dis

enter maintenace mode
scoadmin ;->account manager -> remove/change password for user 'DIS'
;->system->system startup manager. check 'immediately go to multi-...'

6.Start DIS

go into multi user mode , just do nothing ;)
log in as user 'dis'
now you can install Dis programme V19
your system is up and ready to do ... nothing

when startting dis for the first time it asked for 'hdler nr.' enter
whatever you want , just write it down it will be needed for installing
dis programms !

there are some newer vga drivers on ftp://ftp.sco.com/pub/openserver5/drivers/OSR500-OSR502
to install these newer drivers you need AHS5.2 which you prolly cant get.If your lucky
you might d/l vidconf.tar (only the vidconf part of AHS5.2)

you can download Skunkware2000.iso with contains many programms like midnight commander.

rgds M3

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