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Rebels 2001

.-.---------------------------------------------------. . . . . .
| |
---' Rebels Proudly Presents: Adobe Acrobat Capture v3.01 Personal Edition
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| .
| Supplier...: TEAM REBELS Release Date: 04-05-2001 .
| Cracker....: TEAM REBELS O/S.........: WinNT/2000 |
| Packager...: TEAM REBELS Disks.......: 11 |
| Protection.: GONE SOUTH! Release Type: RiP [X] iSO [ ] PDA [ ] |
| |
---. ..---
| | | |

.-.---------------------------------------------------. . . . . .
| |
---' Release Notes:
Bridge the gap between your paper and digital workflows. AdobeAcrobatCapture3.0 is a professional production tool that teams with your scanner to convert volumes of paper documents into searchable Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Accurate OCR, advanced page and content recognition, and powerful cleanup tools let you turn all your important paper-based information into high-quality electronic documents ready for publication via the Web, intranets, extranets, CD-ROM, and more. Sophisticated productivity features streamline processing from start to finish, so you can get your jobs done more efficiently than ever. Don't have Windows NT?

Installation Notes:
1) Unzip, Unrar, and install
2) Serial: WCA300K4062001-422
3) Copy crack\capserve.exe to your program dir, overwriting old capserve.exe
4) Have fun!

---. ..---
| | | |

.-.---------------------------------------------------. . . . . .
| |
---' News: .
| ~~~~
| .
| - Another year has past and Rebels are still here and going strong .
| A lot has happened in the scene in the past year. We will be here .
| as long as there is a need for of our services by the people who .
| this is all about. Our end users! .
| .
| - We are in need of legit shell suppliers. Don't hesitate to |
| contact us on IRC in #rebels or via our webpage if you feel |
| like making a difference while having tons of fun! |
| |
| - Are you a skilled cracker or retail util software supplier? |
| Do you think you have enough balls and humbleness to make the |
| dreamteam? |
| |
| Fill out the application form at www.rebels.org and we'll get |
| back to you faster than you can say "I want to be a REBEL!!" |
| |
| - Wheter it's a PDA, ISO or RIP release, the name is always REBELS |
| and the URL is always www.rebels.org |
| |
---. ..---
| | | |

.-.---------------------------------------------------. . . . . .
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---' REBELS [rebel]: .
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| - To be a REBEL means that you don't follow any rules that conflict .
| with your own .
| - To be a REBEL means that you are proud of who you are and what you do |
| - To be a REBEL means that you have a great attitude -- Your own |
| |
| TO REBEL [to be a rebel] |
| |
| - it is not a way of life, its a philosophy of life |
| - living according to your own goals and ideas |
| - REBELS do things their own way |
| - REBELS don't care about the scene, to them it was lost long ago |
| - REBELS are not trying to be #1 |
| - REBELS are not "Leet" |
| - REBELS live and operate according to what they think is best |
| |
| |
| And guess what? WE are REBELS! |
| |
| |
---. ..---
| | | |

.-.---------------------------------------------------. . . . . .
| |
---' Brief history: The formation of the REBELS PC family: .
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| .
| .
| REBELS PC became reality when Omnibuz and M:et met in 1992. |
| REBELS merged with PANTERA in 1995. In November 1995 CB4 was founded |
| by Leddy from Rebels. Later on he left REBELS to work full time with |
| the cracking group CB4 (CELLBLOCK 4). CB4 merged with REBELS in |
| January 7th, 1997. Since then REBELS have rebelled the scene with |
| our own very special and unique attitude, respect and friendship. |
| |
| Our success has proven that the merges have truly been for the better. |
| It goes without saying that joining REBELS will forever change YOUR |
| life! |
| |
---. ..---
| | | |

.-.---------------------------------------------------. . . . . .
| |
---' REBELS sends greets out to: .
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| .
| Greets go out to all the end-users out there, we do this for you, .
| the people who use the utilities provided -- For which this group |
| was founded. This idea has disappeared in the scene today... |
| |
| |
| |
| /The family |
| |
| |
---. ..---
| | | |
LAiD BACK AND LO-KEY FOR LiFE!! "We Make All Days Party Days" (c) 1999
www.rebels.org #rebels on EFnet [updated 01-01-2001 by Skater]

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