Symantec Norton Ghost 2006 v10 Retail

旋噹檜 褻醞ь (antonio69) 陳瞼 : 2005-10-04 16:53:35 蹺繭 : 1 褻 : 2352

葭觼 1 ed2k://|file|Symantec%20Norton%20Ghost%202006%20v10%20Retail.zip|47233625|A08EE98C1F9411C0596131AA3F858716|h=WZTTPU5FGYF4GGT75VC4TGWZ3V3DO4QV|/

Symantec Norton Ghost 2006 v10 Retail
寞旎 掘х轄,

斬等蹂 sn,txt擊 爾棲 濠葬 aa擊 憲塭 蜃藥爾塭堅 僥掘陛 毚蝗棲棻,
棟溘檜 腎褐朝 碟菟檜 ヴ橫憮 葬ヴп輿撮蹂?

蝶觼椰ж晦 Email煎 爾頂晦

褻醞ь (antonio69 溯漣7) 綰煎斜寞僥
王旋 79/99 王P 988 王陛殮 2003/04/02

翕酈纔 譟む檣 : 憮煎憮煎 評嗆ж堅 勒鬼и 樹橫蒂 餌辨п輿衛賊 渦 謠雖 彊擊梱蹂?
衛除 螃楚 勘葬雖 彊蝗棲棻. 謠擎 濠猿釭 旋擊 螢葬褐 碟眷朝 窒葬蜓 и葆蛤 殖嬴輿撮蹂.

(antonio69) 霜奢歜,
憮幗朝 葬寥轄2.0 10-04 16:57

(nukko) 縈じ漆檜暮 僥薯陛 氈啊啻蹂 10-04 17:44

蘙 齾蒡
(gostyj) 蕨瞪縑 nukko椒眷憮 2006縑憮 殖塭霞薄擊 螢溥輿褐剪 偽擎等, 橫蛤 氈朝雖 濱橫詳歷
啻蹂. 10-04 18:01

(nukko) Symantec Norton Ghost(TM) 10.0 Readme

Date: September 9, 2005

Copyright (c) 2005 by Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved.


This Readme contains additional information for Symantec Norton
Ghost. Please review its contents before installing and using
the product.


This section includes a list of modified product terms. If you
have never used Norton Ghost, you can skip this section. If you
have, you should review the following changes in terminology to
avoid any confusion as you use the new version of Norton Ghost.

1. backup job > backup, created when you define a new backup.

2. backup image > recovery point, referring to points in time
to which you can recover files, folders, or whole computer

3. base with incrementals > recovery point set, or a base
recovery point with incremental recovery points.

4. full backup > independent recovery point

5. image file > recovery point

6. Backup Image Browser > Recovery Point Browser


This section includes known issues that were not yet resolved
when Symantec Norton Ghost shipped to customers.

General Issues

1. Norton Ghost is not integrated with Microsoft's Volume Shadow
Copy service

2. Restoring from CD or DVD Fails to Recognize Last Media When

This occurrs when using images that have extended characters
in the recovery point name. This issue does not occur when
standard characters are used.

3. Do not double-click links in the Norton Ghost interface

If you double-click a link on any of the Norton Ghost
panels, the first click opens the intended dialog and the
second link returns the focus to the Norton Ghost panel.

To avoid any problems that can occur, click only once on any
link or button in the Norton Ghost interface.

Creating Backups in Encrypted Folders

If backups are created in encrypted folders, the recovery point
files also become encrypted.

NOTE: Encryption is available only on NTFS volumes. Once the
file is encrypted, it cannot be restored until it is
un-encrypted by copying to a FAT or FAT32 volume.

Attempting to restore an encrypted file results in an "Access
is denied" error message and the recovery point cannot be
opened using the Recovery Point Browser. However, if the
computer is on a domain, the System Administrator can access
the file using the Recovery Point Browser.

Recovering an encrypted system partition cannot be done because
the SRE environment is required for recovering whole systems
and it cannot access encrypted recovery point files.

Limited User Rights Can Affect Norton Ghost Functionality

If you have set up multiple Windows user accounts on the
computer where you installed Norton Ghost and you are logged in
using an account that does not have Administrator-level rights,
some key features and functionality will not function correctly.

Either log in using Administrator or add the username to the
Administrator's group. Refer to your Windows help system for
instructions about how to modify user rights.

Help Links Do Not Work from Ghost Explorer in the Symantec
Recovery Environmnet (SRD)

When using the Ghost Explorer from within the Symantec Recovery
Environment, clicking the Help menu does not start the Help

To access the help, click Help in the upper-right corner of the
Symantec Recovery Disk window.

Plug-and-Play Devices Might Require Restart of Norton Ghost

If you are running Norton Ghost and want to use a plug-and-play
device, you may have to restart Norton Ghost after you connect
the plug-and-play device to your system in order for Norton
Ghost to recognize the device.

Restoring Over Wireless Networks for within the Symantec
Recovery Environment

The Symantec Recovery Environment does not support wireless
devices. If you need to recover files, folders, or your computer
from recovery points normally accessed from Windows over a
wireless network, you must connect the storage device containing
your recovery points directly to your computer using either a
network or USB cable.

Error When Trying to Browse to Recovery Points on a Network
If you attempt to access a recovery point storage location that
is located on a network, you might get the following error:

"Unable to Browse the Network. The service name is invalid."

To resolve this issue, cancel the error message, close the
Recovery Point Location dialog box, and click Network > Start
My Networking Services.

Restoring Software RAID Drives
When restoring a software RAID drive, select Custom rather than
Express as your restore method.

Backing Up to an Iomega REV Drive
If you are using an Iomega REV drive to back up your system, in
order to write to drives, you must download the correct REV
driver by going to the Iomega Web site. The REV driver that
ships on the REV drive CD is not compatible with Norton Ghost.
The driver to download is rev_system_software-w32-x86-30345.
You must log in with your Iomega user account information to
download this driver.

Copy Drive Feature Unsuported if Norton GoBack is Enabled
The Copy Drive feature is not supported if you have Norton
GoBack enabled on the destination drive. Before using the Copy
Drive feature, you should disable Norton GoBack.

The user manual is included in PDF format in the \Docs folder on
the Symantec Norton Ghost Product CD. You can also access help
from each of the main panels and many of the dialog boxes.

For critical issues, refer to Symantec Online Support at

Copyright 2005 Symantec Corporation. All rights reserved.
Symantec and Norton Ghost are registered trademarks of
Symantec Corporation. All other brand or product names are
trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective owners. 10-04 18:04

(nukko) お瑞 檜嘐雖諦 寥機衛除 離檜橈擠...max 擅蹴褫暮.. 10-04 18:20

(nukko) お瑞 檜嘐雖縑 諫ぬ...樓紫 褻旎 棵堅 憶蹴睦 雪擠.. 10-04 18:36

蘙 齾蒡
(gostyj) BcqxdB-AAAQa-AnIL4Q-dwCap-AAEX 蹂啪 衛葬橡檣蛭.... 10-04 19:30

(l1943) 撲纂 ж堅 GhostTray蒂 褒чж賊 葬睡た腎橫 幗董棲棻. 嬴衛朝 碟 啗衛賊 睡饕擊萄董棲棻. 10-04 19:34

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