ACD Systems ACDSee Pro 3
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: v3.0.355
发行时间: 2009年
制作发行: ACD Systems International Inc.地区: 加拿大
语言: 英文

官方站点 http://www.acdseepro.com/

ACDSee 是目前最流行的数字图象处理软件,它能广泛应用于图片的获取、管理、浏览、优化甚至和他人的分享!使用 ACDSee,你可以从数码相机和扫描仪高效获取图片,并进行便捷的查找、组织和预览。超过 50 种常用多媒体格式被一网打尽!作为最重量级看图软件,它能快速、高质量显示您的图片,再配以内置的音频播放器,我们就可以享用它播放出来的精彩幻灯片了。ACDSee 还能处理如 Mpeg 之类常用的视频文件。

ACDSee 相片管理器 2009 可以让您快速地查看和寻找相片,修正不足,并通过电子邮件,打印和免费在线相册来分享您的收藏。

再也不需要坐等某张图片打开,ACDSee 2009是最快的浏览图片软件。让图片适合屏幕尺寸,通过缩略图查看图片,并且全屏查看。另外,通过ACDSee方便的Quick View功能,您可以快速查看电子邮件附件或桌面文件。




通过电子邮件发送相片而且不用担心文件大小。创建CD、DVD、印刷品等等。上传至flickr? 网站而不必离开ACDSee。



得到广泛格式支持的音频、视频和图像包括BMP, GIF, IFF, JPG, PCX, PNG, PSD, RAS, RSB, SGI, TGA 和 TIFF。

要使用 ACDSee 浏览图像、视频或播放音频,系统必须包含以下组件:

奔腾?4 / AMD Athlon XP 或同级处理器


1 GB空闲硬盘空间

分辨率为 1280x1024的彩色显示适配器

CD/DVD 刻录机

=======Windows? XP, Windows Vista?

Microsoft ? Internet Explorer 6.0.0

Microsoft ? DirectX?9.0 用于支持 Microsoft DirectX 文件格式、创建幻灯放映、屏幕保护程序以及 VCD

QuickTime? 6.0-用于支持QuickTime文件格式


Microsoft Windows? Media? Player 9.0或更高版本

Accelerate your photography workflow with ACDSee Pro 3. Manage, view, process and publish your images with speed and ease. ACDSee Pro 3 is the photography software with the flexibility to adapt to the way you work; helping you optimize every aspect of your workflow.

New Features Include
Ground-breaking image processing workflow
Convenient FTP uploader
Free online photo sharing
SMTP e-mail support
Enhanced intuitive interface
Flexible non-destructive processing presets
Improved noise reduction
Vibrance image processing tool
Advanced Color image processing tool

Intuitive workflow-oriented interface
To help you accelerate your workflow, ACDSee Pro 3’s refined interface is built around three key steps: managing, viewing and processing images. Designed in consultation with pro photographers and existing users, this enhanced interface is optimized to keep the focus on your photos while you work.

IMPROVED! ACDSee Pro has always featured modes for each step of your workflow. ACDSee Pro 3’s improved interface makes it easier for you to stay oriented within the application as you move between these modes with just one click.

Flexible Photo Management
Import, browse, organize, compare, find, and publish your photos in Manage mode.
IMPROVED! Simplified interface with fewer icons and colors keeps the focus on your images
NEW! Categorize images using the new checkbox feature, in addition to the original drag and drop method
NEW! Get visual feedback on your filtering selections with the Filter message bar
Customize your interface: Define workspace presets for different steps in your workflow, and configure your main toolbar, preview pane and more
Easily publish your images through the new FTP uploader, the new Zenfolio uploader and the extended SmugMug uploader

Easier Viewing
Display and examine photos full size at any magnification in View mode.
NEW! Flip quickly between images using the new filmstrip window while remaining oriented in a large group of files

Powerful Processing
Adjust your images using the non-destructive power of the Develop tools, and prepare photos for publishing using the pixel-based Edit tools in Process mode.
NEW! Get the combined power of ACDSee Pro’s non-destructive image development technology and precise pixel-level editor in one seamless environment
NEW! Perform non-destructive adjustments on any type of file, not just RAW files









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? Cracked by....: KaiZer SoZe Release-Name..: CR-AP355.ZIP
Supplied......: CORE Release-Date..: 2009/09/28
Packaged......: CORE Release-Type..: Util
Protection....: Serial OS............: Windows ?
? Crack/SN......: Keymaker Language......: English
? Rating........: [You decide!] Disks.........: 12

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? ?■ ..: DESCRiPTiON :..

ACDSee Pro 3 is the photography software with the flexibility to
adapt to the way you work. Save time and stay organized in every
step of your workflow with ACDSee Pro.

"IТve been a longtime ACDSee Pro user. This latest version is top
notch image workflow software. IТve tried them all and this is my

- Peter Pereira, Photojournalist & 4SEE Photo Agency Photographer,
New Bedford, MA
Effortless organization

As a photographer, you have thousands of photos and generate more
every day. With the flexibility offered by ACDSee Pro, you can
customize your digital asset management to the way you like to
work, making it easier to stay organized.
Instant access

Access your folders and files live, in real time. Unlike
catalog-based photo applications, you donТt need to spend valuable
time importing files that are already on your system and connected
Metadata management

Adjust and leverage the EXIF, IPTC, XMP and custom metadata in
your images with easy to use tools.
Fast and easy searching

Find individual photos or groups of images quickly and easily by
image metadata and properties with powerful search capabilities.
Flexible browsing

Assign photos to one or more virtual categories for powerful
browsing that is custom-designed for your collection.
Fast viewing

Display and examine full-size photos at unparalleled speeds with
ACDSee ProТs powerful image viewing technology. View over 100
different file types.

"Very nice program, just like the previous versions. If someone
who is taking pictures, and serious about it, and wants post
processing to correct images that need a little tweaking, ACDSee
Pro version 3.0 would be the best tool for that. Thanks ACDSee for
creating another edition of your fine product."

- Terrence Gabriel, Landscape Photographer and Computer Network
Technician, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
One-stop image processing

Quickly and easily complete global non-destructive adjustments and
pixel-level edits in one intuitive workflow. Process camera RAW
files, JPEGs and more. See the complete list of supported RAW
Non-destructive editing

Easily perfect the exposure, color, clarity and geometry of your
photos in Develop sub-mode, your non-destructive workshop.
Pixel-level editing

Quickly prepare your photos for publishing with ACDSee ProТs
pixel-level editor. Add watermarks, text, captions, vignettes and
Professional presentation

Effortlessly present, protect and archive your work with ACDSee
ProТs robust set of publishing tools. Create presentations, print
and e-mail your photos, and easily manage your web presence with
uploaders to flickrЩ, SmugMug, Zenfolio and your FTP accounts.
Easy online publishing

Simply drag and drop photos and folders from within ACDSee Pro to
share and store images at your free* account on the ACDSee Online


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? ??? ..: iNSTALL/REGiSTER NOTES :.. ??? ? ?
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- Install the application.
- Generate a serial
- Register
- Enjoy !


Run CORE10k.EXE to verify this release, if CRC-check fails or
even CORE10k.EXE is missing - you are probably using webshit!


Thanks for choosing
(C)hallenge (O)f (R)everse (E)ngineering!

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