ۼ 2005-12-11 05:40:15 | ȸ : 193

[] Outpost Firewall Pro v3.0.557.5918(437)

: http://www.agnitum.com/
(ȸ): http://cafe.naver.com/fprot.cafe?iframe_url=/ArticleRead.nhn%3Farticleid=1999

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http://outpostfirewall.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10219 | 12.11

;(naguiya) 06-05 21:50

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׳1 (kissmekissu) 06-05 22:16

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Ÿ (bong3971) 02-28 15:47

⼭ KAV ٿϴ~


׳1 (kissmekissu) 10-06 19:20

ww.ktfmembers.com ȵǼ..

Kashin () 10-08 10:09

׳ ӵ˴ϴ outpostϴ

opada) 10-16 21:16

Outpost Firewall Pro Ŀ ϹǷμ ħͿ پ ( . ׸ ġ° ħ, Ʈ ͵ ´ 4ֿ Outpost Firewall Prosecurity, control, privacy and ease of use.Ư¡ ý ȣ Ŀ ħ ´
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Being online is fraught with dangers: Internet worms, spyware agents, Trojan horses, hijackers and more can wreak havoc, causing anything from slow performance to system crashes to full-blown identity theft. And to provide you with the kind of protection you need in these days of cyberthieves and online extortionists, your firewall must be able to monitor all inbound and outbound traffic and protect you from any unauthorized intrusion by rendering your PC invisible to anything that you havent authorized to see it.

Outpost Personal Firewall PRO Features:
*** Security.
- Attack Detection. The Powerful Intrusion Detection System built into the program protects from existing and future hacker attacks. The IDS module screens inbound data and determines its legitimacy either by comparing it against a set of known attack fingerprints or by performing behavior evaluation analysis.
- Anti-spyware defenses and privacy protection. Outpost 3.0s built-in AntiSpyware plug-in safeguards your computer against spyware infection and the loss of confidential information. Spyware is blocked at every possible stage ? installation, activation, transmission of information, and re-installation. No more nagging pop-ups, no browser modifications, no search and homepage hijacking, and no unauthorized leaking of data from the computer. Plus, any data you define as confidential is forever blocked from being sent anywhere.
- Unique network security. Outpost 3.0s new Ethernet protection module combats attacks on your connectivity, including: interception of outbound chat sessions, spoofing attacks designed to disable or disrupt your connections, and illegal communication initiation requests that encroach on your WiFi zone.
- Packet/Application Filtering. By implementing per-process data filtering, Outpost serves as a virtual checkpoint for incoming and outgoing application data. Based on its discretion or following the users instructions, it can configure how each particular application communicates over the LAN or the Internet. With application access rules, any unwanted program can easily be denied Internet access if the circumstances warrant it. Packet filtering is a lower-level filtration technique that allows the user to select which protocols, ports and remote addresses can be accessed from a user machine.
- Safeguarding Active Content. Outposts Active Content plug-in can selectively prevent the execution, installation and propagation of a third-party scripting code running itself surreptitiously inside the Internet browser. The browser often represents a medium for spyware, viruses and worm infestations.
- Attachment Quarantine. The Attachment Quarantine protects Outpost users from potentially dangerous e-mail attachments that may contain viruses, worms and other malware and allows users to customize which types of attachments Outpost should block.

*** Control.
- Network Activity Monitoring. Monitoring shows every connection between your machine and other computers on the Internet or LAN. Its a handy tool to know whats happening on a connected PC at any given time and to allow users to quickly stop unwanted Internet communications.
- Events Logging. Outposts Log Viewer provides the history of your computer activity in a most detailed and complete form. With this vital tool, you can browse through whats happened on a computer in the past or pinpoint a problem early on and easily correct it.
- Content Management. The Content plug-in allows users to compile a list of entries that would be blocked from being displayed throughout visited web sites. Parents that do not want their kids exposed to inappropriate content would find great use for this feature.

*** Privacy.
- Surfing Privacy Protection. By enabling a customizable block of cookie files and external referring, users can maintain a high level of surfing confidentiality on unknown sites and at the same time be less secretive with predefined trusted sites.
- Embedded Code Protection. By providing advanced mechanisms of Open Process Control, Hidden Process Control and Component Control, Outpost effectively protects the host system from malicious attempts of a foreign code implanted within the system to divulge personal data or hijack an application.
- Ports Stealthing. Being visible on the network is only good when a person who sees you is authorized to do so. Outpost makes sure that the host computer is hidden from outsiders, making it unsusceptible to network probes and intruder attempts to establish rogue communication channels.

*** Ease of Use.
- Effortless Installation. Two options for installation are offered to the user. Automatic installation takes care of the entire installation as well as the initial configuration phase and is most suitable for an inexperienced user. A more refined option is the Installation Wizard, which allows users to customize the process of installation and choose specific parameters.
- Instant, context-sensitive help. Every user prompt or request for the creation of a new rule in Outpost 3.0 is accompanied by an instant automatic recommendation for the best course of action. Configuring your firewall can now be error-free, making your protection so much stronger, as well as increasing your understanding of the program.
- Automatic Program and LAN Access Rules. The program automatically configures the computers LAN settings and protects it from incoming Internet connections. Predefined rules for known applications are created to spare the user the need to manually create program access rules for well-known or frequently used programs.
- Easy Program Updates. When an update to the program has been released, it is easily deployed through the programs automatic update feature, which retrieves the latest version automatically from the vendors server and applies it upon user authorization.

Changes in Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro 3.0.543.5722 (431):

Agnitum's Outpost Firewall Pro 3.0 delivers even more protection against spyware and hacker's threats along with improved performance, control and usability.

The following features are introduced:
- Real-time spyware protection monitors and blocks every attempt by malware programs to harm your computer.
- Spyware On-Demand Scanner lets you check your system for spyware threats to identify and remove them from your computer.
- ID Block prevents specific personal data leaks from occurring on your computer.
- Attack Detection plug-in detects and averts particular Ethernet attacks such as IP spoofing, ARP scanning, ARP flood and others, protecting your system from invasions on a local network and more Internet attacks providing even more solid protection against external threats.
- Improved Component Control monitors the more vulnerable locations and files to decrease the number of pop-up prompts requiring user interaction.
- The 'Smart Advisor' function provides additional information on each Outpost Firewall Pro event and gives recommendations so users are more confident in their decisions.
- The feedback service allows reporting of Outpost Firewall Pro issues to Agnitum support service directly from the program.

The following issues are fixed (only significant ones are listed):
- 'Allow/Block Once' commands logic was changed. All data from specified local ports to specified remote ports and addresses is allowed/blocked during a single communication.
- Subnet mask and wildcards ('*') can be correctly used in editing dialogs for IP address lists.
- Rules creation for FTP DATA is fixed. If your computer was set up as an Internet Connection Sharing gateway, access to FTP servers could have been blocked if using FTP active mode.

Homepage - http://www.agnitum.com/products/outpost/

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