{256}{341}Come on, honey. I'll give you a deal.
{970}{1036}I'll come back after the holiday.
{1038}{1074}You'd better.
{1102}{1149}That's my girl.
{1154}{1232}The King of Hell pulls out liars' tongues.
{1297}{1334}I'll remember that!
{1360}{1422}Ready, lift!
{1498}{1578}Some priest.|Making promises he won't keep.
{1804}{1836}Where's the Missus?
{1838}{1926}She's not here. She's gone to a spa.
{1950}{2036}She was ill, with what we don't know.
{2039}{2087}That's too bad.
{2115}{2169}This is for all of you.
{2171}{2199}Thank you.
{2241}{2319}So how's O-Shin been?
{2328}{2390}She started back today.
{2408}{2451}That's good.
{2476}{2529}That's a load off everyone's mind.
{2550}{2634}But the more I think about it,|the madder I get.
{2650}{2714}Some samurai he was.
{2726}{2820}Don't say that. Think about it.
{2830}{2921}The problem was that|all of you got so excited.
{2937}{3004}He was just a kid.
{8732}{8779}Shall I bring some tea?
{9226}{9255}I'm going.
{9257}{9321}At least tell me your name.
{11055}{11126}I'm so glad you're better, O-Shin.
{11142}{11222}I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused.
{11263}{11316}You don't have to apologize.
{11377}{11431}Damn him!
{11461}{11510}You never quit, do you?
{11531}{11606}At least I start.
{11762}{11847}If you've got something to say,|why not say it?
{11860}{11916}All that "born a samurai" talk.
{11956}{12047}What I mean is,|if you were raised a samurai...
{12049}{12121}you should have seen through him.
{12128}{12185}An old samurai family...
{12189}{12260}of retainers to the Shogun?
{12290}{12327}Don't make me laugh.
{12354}{12450}What does that have to do with this?|Or with you?
{12454}{12522}No matter how far they may have fallen...
{12525}{12614}someone born a samurai|walks and talks like one.
{12617}{12682}You can tell just by the way you bow.
{12707}{12759}You don't know how, do you?
{13128}{13188}Miss O-Shin, you have a customer.
{13552}{13639}I'm glad to see you.|I thought you wouldn't come back.
{14076}{14153}Listen to the waves.
{14236}{14344}It's high tide.|It makes everything really damp.
{14854}{14967}You shouldn't be carrying this.|We get inspected, you know.
{14993}{15033}I'll put it away.
{15383}{15420}Got any sake?
{15432}{15459}Of course.
{15461}{15495}Bring some.
{16519}{16594}You don't talk much, do you?
{16704}{16727}Tell me about yourself.
{16727}{16777}Tell me about yourself.
{16806}{16841}Who are you?
{16972}{17025}I'm the lowest of the low.
{17317}{17437}So when you were five, your mother died.
{17500}{17534}Then what?
{17624}{17682}What can a kid of that age do...
{17719}{17756}but beg?
{18011}{18088}The winters were cold...
{18147}{18212}but it's warm if you sleep with a dog.
{18235}{18290}I slept with a great big one.
{18462}{18559}That dog followed me everywhere...
{18573}{18624}like he was protecting me.
{18922}{19026}Everything I was given I shared with him.
{19617}{19648}Stop it.
{19722}{19752}No more.
{19813}{19923}But my real bad luck hadn't even begun yet.
{19974}{20087}When I was six,|an old town watchman picked me up...
{20111}{20226}and got me work|in a drinking place in Akasaka.
{20286}{20381}I stayed there till I was 18,|but he cheated me out of...
{20412}{20470}the money I was supposed to get.
{20562}{20687}Then I was hired by the owner|of the Matsukawa restaurant.
{20742}{20828}He said we'd decide on my pay|once I'd learned to cook.
{20880}{20918}That was lucky.
{20943}{20980}No, it wasn't.
{21042}{21167}I worked like a slave for five years,|then I asked him to let me cook.
{21235}{21357}"A fool like you|will never have a decent trade," he said.
{21457}{21490}The next day...
{21606}{21701}my stuff was out in the street.
{21796}{21881}I'm a fool. I'm stupid.
{21910}{21970}That's why I get the short straw.
{22009}{22132}I bought that knife|because I want to do something crazy.
{22205}{22303}In that case, I'm not giving it back to you.
{22345}{22408}Give me a damn drink!
{22474}{22518}If you're hard up...
{22535}{22624}you shouldn't be coming here, you know.
{22680}{22719}I've got money.
{22758}{22859}The next day I went back|and showed the guy my knife...
{22885}{22937}and he gave me some.
{23012}{23073}Not five years' pay, though.
{23105}{23139}You didn't.
{23171}{23269}But that makes you no better than a thief.
{23314}{23366}That old man was the thief.
{25207}{25331}will you think again|about moving in with me?
{25387}{25431}You deserve better...
{25487}{25532}than a woman like me.
{25559}{25589}No, no.
{25698}{25748}You're a fine woman.
{25809}{25920}You've suffered enough.|It's time you took things easy.
{26088}{26180}Well? Will you live with me?
{26722}{26790}Here come the others.
{26835}{26937}Who's that man walking with O-Shin?
{26990}{27034}She's in love again.
{27068}{27100}With him?
{27143}{27172}I see.
{27201}{27264}Yes, you can see that from here.
{27320}{27375}I keep telling her that people with bad luck...
{27375}{27398}I keep telling her that people with bad luck...
{27409}{27483}will only make her unlucky, too.
{27503}{27563}But she's always so nice to them.
{27577}{27681}She's got a good heart.|She just shouldn't keep giving it away.
{27710}{27815}Misfortune added to misfortune|only doubles the misery.
{28803}{28847}So what will you do?
{28967}{29076}There's no real work for a man with no craft.
{29148}{29203}My whole life has been one...
{29213}{29294}of being cheated and trampled on.
{29354}{29394}Now it's my turn.
{29453}{29495}Can you understand that?
{29685}{29745}I've got no future in this world.
{29764}{29860}I'll take back what's mine,|then bid life goodbye.
{29939}{30030}I know exactly how you feel.
{30088}{30187}That's exactly how|my elder brother must have felt.
{30214}{30250}Your brother?
{30342}{30436}Let's not talk about this anymore.|I'll bring more sake.
{30443}{30543}What's this brother of yours doing now?
{30769}{30833}He died last year.
{30950}{30997}He jumped in the river.
{31101}{31205}He worked for years as a wood-carver,|but he wasn't going anywhere.
{31237}{31295}He'd get frustrated and angry.
{31357}{31477}My father'd taken a stroke,|and he wasn't going to get any better.
{31508}{31562}My brother had no hope.
{31605}{31714}I'm sure he thought he was a burden to me.
{31777}{31883}I know how it feels|to be driven into a corner like that.
{31911}{32035}But that just made a waste|of everything you'd gone through.
{32094}{32137}I don't think that.
{32155}{32182}I do.
{32201}{32278}There must have been|something else he could do.
{32309}{32424}He could have made sandals,|or glued paper bags or something.
{32446}{32487}That was selfish.
{32625}{32675}do you really think that?
{32746}{32841}If you think someone could live...
{32853}{32916}making sandals or gluing bags...
{32946}{33001}then I'll say the same to you.
{33049}{33150}If my brother should have lived,|then so should you.
{33189}{33241}Isn't that right?
{33307}{33374}You don't have parents to burden you...
{33394}{33474}you're young, you're healthy.
{33508}{33574}You could do anything you wanted.
{33728}{33823}Let's think about this together.
{33890}{33964}I've got money if you need some.
{34018}{34122}My father and my brother are dead.|I can give it to you.
{34136}{34175}Don't be stupid.
{34191}{34256}Didn't you say my brother had made...
{34273}{34332}a waste of all my trouble?
{34369}{34468}You won't waste it, will you?
{34542}{34593}Say you'll think about it.
{34753}{34797}I beg of you.
{35587}{35650}600 mon, 400...
{36026}{36060}I wouldn't.
{36105}{36157}He'll only bring you grief.
{36224}{36342}That sort of thing just ends up|with the guy turning into a pimp.
{36409}{36482}The Missus wouldn't lend you|money for that.
{36516}{36612}Do your work here, and think of yourself.
{36750}{36794}What I'm saying is...
{36812}{36889}that women are always falling for that line...
{36909}{36965}and taking on burdens.
{37000}{37123}I'm sure right now|you'd walk through fire for that man...
{37169}{37213}but that won't last.
{37263}{37310}It's over in a moment.
{37414}{37475}But for him, it's now that matters.
{37498}{37544}It's this moment.
{37624}{37720}It's whether he turns|into that side street or not.
{37748}{37814}Whether he lives or dies.
{37858}{37970}I just want to keep him|going straight ahead.
{38017}{38056}That's all.
{38165}{38201}I'm leaving.
{38346}{38423}I've got business|at the lumber market tomorrow.
{38435}{38479}I'll come after that.
{38523}{38557}What is it?
{38828}{38863}You're sure?
{38914}{38942}I am.
{40532}{40538}Hey, Gonta.
{40538}{40586}Hey, Gonta.
{40588}{40624}Later, later.
{40634}{40706}I'll drop by on my way home.
{41240}{41275}I'm coming in!
{41287}{41321}Bring sake!
{41404}{41451}Where's Brother Bunji?
{41553}{41603}Sorry. Very sorry.
{41631}{41692}Down there on the right, you fool.
{41714}{41761}Bunji! I'm coming in!
{41803}{41866}This is no night to drink alone.
{41880}{41915}Let's make some noise.
{41916}{41960}Come in here, then.
{41964}{42012}O-Kichi has a shamisen.
{42016}{42045}You're right!
{42745}{42841}You sure dampened down their party.
{42847}{42923}Well, I'm a fireman, aren't I?
{43158}{43202}Play your shamisen.
{43558}{43605}Where is it this time?
{43702}{43757}Well, I'm not going.
{43829}{43941}I certainly hope|you haven't signed a contract with them.
{44334}{44424}That's for moving expenses. Take it.
{44466}{44515}Of all the...
{44719}{44766}It's a great place.
{44793}{44885}It's a busy post town|on the highway into Edo.
{44913}{44947}And I'll...
{44984}{45074}buy out your contract there|before winter comes.
{45105}{45158}You won't catch me dead there!
{45160}{45257}Is this what I get|for letting you feed off me all these years?
{45266}{45351}I'm through with listening to|the likes of you!
{45957}{46044}You're very bold all of a sudden.
{46161}{46201}Don't tell me...
{46260}{46309}you and that old man...
{46357}{46437}I'm free to make any promises I want.
{46513}{46552}Don't push me...
{46593}{46626}you bitch!
{46861}{46960}Hey, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.|I'm sorry, I'm telling you.
{46967}{46997}Forgive me.
{46999}{47052}Don't. No!
{47350}{47381}Stop it.
{47416}{47447}Stop it!
{47700}{47753}You won't listen to me, huh?
{48171}{48277}You? Move in with that geezer?|Don't make me laugh.
{48297}{48382}You try something like that|and he'll get hurt.
{49442}{49528}Miss Kikuno, are you all right?
{51122}{51156}That beast.
{51179}{51272}You hate to see a thing like that.|It gets you down.
{51845}{51911}"The wind howls, the rain pelts down."
{54153}{54196}The bridge could wash out.
{54211}{54240}Let's go.
{54276}{54324}That won't do any good!
{54805}{54858}I'll never get home in this.
{54930}{55016}You must be hungry.|Come and have lunch with us.
{55108}{55149}All right, I will.
{56844}{56938}They're leaving across the way.|I'll go see how high the river is.
{56940}{57043}Don't. You never know|what'll come blowing along in this wind.
{57770}{57806}It's stopped.
{57814}{57913}See? That's the end of that storm.
{58215}{58251}Get out!
{58259}{58373}The bridges at Kuroebashi|and Hachimanbashi are washed out!
{58408}{58453}What are you doing?
{58480}{58515}Lt'll flood!
{58529}{58600}The crest's coming downstream right now!
{58606}{58721}And it's flood tide, too!|Lt'll come in from the sea as well!
{59908}{59963}What's happening?
{60748}{60786}We have to go.
{60792}{60848}The house was left in my care.
{60853}{60900}Don't be a fool! Hurry!
{61034}{61067}Take me with you.
{62131}{62169}We'd better go.
{62188}{62262}You take O-Shin and get out of here.
{62269}{62301}You, too.
{62309}{62396}You've done all you could. Get your things.
{62812}{62865}Only take what you'll need!
{64204}{64281}Come with me and let's get out of here.
{64289}{64332}Is that the Missus'?
{64334}{64390}Huh? Oh, this?
{64407}{64484}We can't leave her money-box.|We'll take it for her.
{64486}{64515}Give it to me.
{64518}{64592}It's heavy. I'll carry it.
{64595}{64657}Quick! There's no time to waste!
{64659}{64707}I'm not going with you.
{64735}{64817}I'm going with them. Give me that.
{64841}{64952}What are you talking about?|I came all the way here to help you!
{64955}{64992}Give it to me!
{65002}{65066}I'm in charge of this house!
{65104}{65183}You're coming with me!
{65193}{65233}I am not!
{65235}{65265}Hold it!
{65300}{65340}What do you want?
{65345}{65444}Miss Kikuno wants you|to give her that money-box.
{65532}{65572}The hell I will!
{67131}{67204}You think that coward'll|get you out of here?
{71422}{71455}It's over.
{71513}{71556}I took care of him.
{71770}{71828}I can't stomach a man like that!
{71880}{71991}What are you talking about?|Where are you going to go now?
{72055}{72095}To the magistrate.
{72323}{72357}Run for it!
{72396}{72515}Are you going to throw away your life|over a man like that?
{72540}{72587}Get out of here!
{72600}{72638}Go to Osaka!
{72665}{72723}Come back when things cool down.
{72746}{72845}I'll look after O-Shin till then.
{72919}{72986}Go! Quickly!
{73005}{73046}I'll wait for you.
{73161}{73227}I'm counting on you, miss!
{75167}{75207}It looks like...
{75250}{75318}we missed our chance to get out of here.
{75396}{75453}I'm sorry, O-Shin.
{75508}{75546}Don't be silly.
{75597}{75644}I'm fine here with you.
{75728}{75812}But it's a weird feeling, isn't it?
{75847}{75894}Everything's so quiet.
{75972}{76030}The river crest's gone by.
{76093}{76166}Now the sea's going to rise bit by bit.
{76428}{76465}Where are you going?
{76467}{76539}It's almost dark. I'll find some candles.
{76955}{77080}Good Evening
{77665}{77718}It's just a wall giving way.
{77776}{77813}It's nothing.
{79003}{79053}What are you doing?
{80160}{80194}What is it?
{80246}{80347}If worst comes to worst,|we go out that skylight...
{80366}{80403}onto the roof.
{80813}{80874}It looks like it's stopped rising.
{80942}{81045}It's not coming up so fast,|but it's still coming up.
{81227}{81327}O-Shin, which is your best kimono?
{81625}{81668}I'll wear this one.
{81737}{81842}You'd better put on your best one, too.
{81987}{82080}We're going to die, aren't we?
{82117}{82155}Don't be silly!
{82167}{82273}But that's what they dress you in|for your funeral.
{82285}{82326}Not on your life!
{82348}{82456}The water's going to ruin our clothes,|so we should wear our best ones!
{82565}{82661}Now stop whimpering.
{82720}{82780}You've got to wait for Ryosuke...
{82822}{82864}so get busy!
{83022}{83117}We're not going to let ourselves die here.
{83638}{83690}the Milky Way.
{83789}{83834}"It is a rough sea...
{83877}{83926}"reaching to Sado Island.
{83960}{84007}"Look! The Milky Way."
{84038}{84133}I guess growing up a samurai|you learn lots of poetry.
{84444}{84481}That's a fib.
{84521}{84619}All that about me being of samurai blood,|it's lies.
{84797}{84901}It's hard to come down|in the world as far as I have.
{84939}{85031}It's one long, sad day after another.
{85095}{85194}You can't go on|without something to prop you up.
{85231}{85315}That's what my samurai story was.
{85470}{85511}That feels better.
{85557}{85623}Now I can die with a clear conscience.
{85656}{85726}"Die"? But you said...
{85891}{85985}So we are going to die?
{86056}{86094}We'll be fine.
{86816}{86886}You on the roof!
{86896}{86973}Have you seen the people|from the "Ashi no Ya"?
{87007}{87075}Miss, it's Ryosuke.
{87486}{87520}I'm coming!
{87680}{87743}O-Shin! Miss!
{87797}{87871}You really found yourself...
{87891}{87961}a good one this time, O-Shin.
{88727}{88802}Hurry up! It's half-swamped already.
{88860}{88893}All right.
{89397}{89438}Quick, get in.
{89458}{89550}No. Three of us will sink that boat.
{89598}{89674}Then I'll take O-Shin and be right back.
{89683}{89726}Never mind that.
{89758}{89795}Listen to me.
{89833}{89873}You're safe now.
{89920}{89964}You're in the clear.
{90023}{90126}The sea's come|and swallowed up everything.
{90175}{90239}It's like the sea's been watching...
{90249}{90308}and it's come to save you.
{90468}{90501}get going.
{90525}{90611}And make sure you both do things right.
{90668}{90738}I know, I'll give you this.
{90772}{90895}I've been squirreling money away for years.|There's lots of it here.
{91114}{91164}But, miss, you have a...
{91219}{91318}A child back in my home village?|That was a lie, too.
{91372}{91421}Make a ball of your lies
{91431}{91554}and knead them with tears
{91741}{91796}I'll be right back!
{91808}{91905}Don't worry about that.|Hurry before the boat sinks!
{91956}{91989}Get going!
{92051}{92095}Don't make me angry!
{94591}{94629}"Good evening."
{94933}{94974}Well, here I am...
{95044}{95088}alone at last.
{95206}{95248}And it feels fine.
{98878}{98952}Directed by Kei Kumai

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