Blaze Media Pro 6.1

Blaze Media Pro is powerful, all-in-one media player, editor and conversion software supporting all popular media formats, audio and video playlist, audio and video conversions, video construction and decompiling, audio editing and recording, audio and data CD recording, video editing, batch video processing (over 30 supported processing operations), video capture, media management, and much more!

The conversion features are easy to use, yet very powerful. Both audio and video formats can be converted. Supported conversions include CD, MP3, MP2, WMA, OGG, WAV, AIF, VOX, MPC, G.72x, AU, RAW to MP3/WMA/OGG/WAV; CD burning from WAV/MP3/WMA/OGG, WAV and MP3 Compression, and two-way conversions among MPEG-1, MPEG-2, AVI, WMV, Multi-Page TIFF, and FLIC. MPEG conversion options are available for VCD, SVCD, and DVD compliant output. The audio content of video files can also be extracted and saved to the WAV format. The CD Converter module provides a CDDB auto-save feature, which enables track title, artist, and album information to be dynamically downloaded from the Internet CD Database and used when converting audio CD tracks to WAV, MP3, WMA, or OGG. This feature is fully configurable to use as much or little of the information desired in any preferred order. Of course, this feature can also be disabled for those who do not wish to be connected to the Internet while converting CD tracks.

The full-featured audio editor's capabilities include Amplify, Null Amplitude, Insert/Delete Silence, Insert Noise, Insert Pulse, Insert Sinus, Fade In/Out, Invert, Normalize, Reverse, Delay, Flanger, Vibrato, Stretch, Mix. Mix from File, Paste from File, Paste from Clipboard, Copy to Clipboard, Delete Selection, Save Selection, Zoom, Convert, Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Crop, Filters (Band Pass, Low Pass, High Pass, Low Shelf, High Shelf), Input/Output Volume Control, Audio Information Read/Write, and much more. Furthermore, the audio editor can be used for audio file recording from any available source (such as cassette; record player; phone line; TV tuner audio; CD player; line-In; auxiliary; microphone; wave-out; and wave-out mix) as well.

Blaze Media Pro features a complete and powerful video editor as well for AVI, MPG, WMV, and ASF formats. The video editor allows you to edit, delete frames, delete selection, and trim any desired portion of your video and audio content. You can add effects and titles, make color adjustments, export frames or audio selections, crop the video, flip, mirror, rotate, resize, stamp, adjust audio volume, and much more. WAV, WMA, and MP3 audio files can be inserted into the video or extracted from the video; and BMP, GIF, JPG, PCX, PNG, RAS, PPM, TGA, and TIF are the supported image formats that can be inserted or extracted.

Blaze Media Pro supports all popular multimedia formats for playback, including MPEG Layer-3 (MP3), MPEG Layer-2 (MP2), OGG Vorbis (OGG), Active Streaming Format (ASF), MPEG Video (MPG, MPEG, MPE), Windows Video (AVI), Windows Media Audio and Video (WMA, WMV), Apple QuickTime (MOV, QT), Windows Audio (WAV), Audio CD (CDA), MP2 (MPEG 1/2 Layer-2), VOX (Dialogic ADPCM), RAW audio (PCM, A-LAW, U-LAW), MPC (MusicPack), G.726, G.723, G.721, Video CD (DAT), Media Playlists (ASX, WAX, M3U, WVX), MIDI, AIFF, AU, SND, and more! For video formats, advanced zooming and full-screen modes are supported. The video window is freely resizable, allowing precise zoom adjustment. Playback speed and position control are also supported.

Complete drag and drop support, fully skinnable interface, MP3 tag editing, full CDDB2 capabilities, and versatile preferences (for maximum control) add in making Blaze Media Pro a powerhouse multimedia solution!

What's New in This Release:
Video DVD burning
Lyrics Search redesigned to now work with the new system
Video Converter completely redesigned and significantly enhanced
Video Constructor, Video Decompiler, and Extract Audio Content features also completely redesigned
New Video Merge feature
New feature to Copy Music CDs
A lot of enhancements and improvements to all features
Additional format and format variation support for most features

Homepage - http://www.blazemp.com

Size: 13.7 MB

Download + Patch

RAR Password - http://softex.meganet.lt

Posted by Ronin on October 27 2005 15:33:53 4 Comments 2295 Reads

Sox55 on October 28 2005 15:55:45

Full of feature, yet not to complicated for the novice user!

I recommend it
Burka on October 28 2005 18:54:00
This is a super program, tnx for it !!
Luckiemonkie on October 29 2005 22:03:17
hmm what the password to unzip ? but anyways thankyou alot
busta capp on October 30 2005 04:02:30
bottom of the first post
RAR Password - http://softex.meganet.lt

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