New adobe software will send your name and serial number to adobe. This includes photoshop 6 and 7, and illustrator 9 and 10. This can be disabled though. First Make sure to physically disconnect your computer from any internet connection during the installation of any new adobe software. Once the software is installed do the following:
***Under Mac OS 9.x/ Classic:***
Find the folder "Web"
Located in:
System Folder/Application Support/Adobe/Web
Throw the folder "Web" away.
***Under Mac OS X:***
Find the folder "Web"
located in:
Library/Application Support/Adobe/Web
Throw the folder "Web" away.
***Under Windoze***
Locate any files named AOM or adobeweb.dll
Throw These Away
If you follow these step your adobe applications will no longer attempt to connect to adobe servers to report registration information.
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